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SaveLIFE Foundation’s Zero-Fatality District program aims to take road safety governance to the grassroots administrative units in India. Our goal is to seamlessly integrate our comprehensive road safety model within local government systems. On-ground implementation is the key to ensure tangible improvement in the road safety landscape of the country. For this, the mandate rests with the district administrations to implement comprehensive measures on the 5-Es of road safety namely, – road engineering, traffic enforcement, emergency trauma care, education and engagement of road users, and enactment of policy. By embedding our strategies into the core of governance, we move beyond collaboration towards true government ownership. This will foster proactive development and scaling of safety measures, ultimately making zero fatalities a reality in India and globally.

The “Zero-Fatality District” model integrates a range of solutions – from infrastructure changes to trauma care initiatives – echoing the global Vision Zero strategy that prioritises human life above all. Importantly, solutions are tailored to local contexts, often designed in collaboration with communities. This approach stresses cultural empathy and the need for strategies beyond standard Western practices, providing a more inclusive route to safer roads.

In order to provide a practical and strategic tool for implementation of the ZFD model, the SaveLIFE Foundation in partnership with the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Government of India has developed a district guidebook to empower district magistrates, Collectors and Police Chiefs with the strategies and tools they need to achieve zero-fatalities in their districts.

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