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SaveLIFE Foundation’s zero-fatality solutions aim to create a future where roads are safe. Our goal is to seamlessly integrate our comprehensive road safety model within government systems. This will ensure governments fully own and implement these solutions, making our impact sustainable. By embedding our strategies into the core of governance, we move beyond collaboration towards true government ownership. This will foster proactive development and scaling of safety measures, ultimately making zero fatalities a reality in India and globally.


The Zero-Fatality “Corridor” and “District” programmes tackle road safety holistically, recognizing the unique challenges in countries like India. This model integrates a range of solutions – from infrastructure changes to trauma care initiatives – echoing the global Vision Zero strategy that prioritises human life above all. Importantly, solutions are tailored to local contexts, often designed in collaboration with communities. This approach stresses cultural empathy and the need for strategies beyond standard Western practices, providing a more inclusive route to safer roads.

The Corridor model uses a six-step strategy: 

  1. Partnerships with local stakeholders
  2. Data analytics to pinpoint problems 
  3. Comprehensive on-site audits 
  4. Tailored solutions
  5. Rigorous impact measurement
  6. Analysis for replication and scaling  

This structured approach creates a cycle of continuous improvement, working towards the ultimate goal of zero road fatalities.


Our Zero-Fatality Solutions have demonstrated remarkable success in reducing road fatalities across India.

  • Mumbai-Pune Expressway: Over 58% reduction in road crash fatalities.
  • NH48: 51% fatality reduction on the Mumbai-Pune stretch, with positive results extending to Pune-Satara and Satara-Kagal sections.
  • Yamuna Expressway: Nearly 40% fatality reduction.
  • Kamrup Metropolitan District, Assam: 25% decrease in fatalities
  • NH 30 (Jabalpur – Sleemanabad): 49% reduction
  • NH 21 (Jaipur – Mahwa): 24% reduction
  • NH 19 (Maithon – Panagarh): 24% reduction
  • NH 44 (Silkboard – Attibele): 14% reduction
  • NH 19 (Etawah – Chakeri): 11% reduction
  • NH 5 (Ludhiana – Firozpur): 10% reduction
  • Strategy expanding to 100 National Highways.
  • Zero-Fatality District Programme reaching 100 districts across India.

This work is conducted in close partnership with the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Government of India.

Interactive map showing our Zero-Fatality Corridors and Zero-Fatality Districts across India:

Way Forward

The “Zero-Fatality” Solutions programme enters a new phase, expanding its life-saving strategies to 100 national highways and 100 districts across India. This builds upon its proven success, creating a blueprint for other districts to replicate and dramatically reduce road fatalities nationwide. SaveLIFE aims to proactively support districts in implementing this solution. The programme’s impact will go global, scaling to other low- and middle-income countries, demonstrating SaveLIFE’s commitment to worldwide road safety


At SaveLIFE Foundation, we’re committed to ending preventable deaths and injuries from road crashes. Our “Towards Zero-Fatality Districts” guidebook is a powerful tool for district leaders, providing a roadmap to transform their districts into zones of safety.

This comprehensive guidebook empowers district magistrates, collectors, and police chiefs with the strategies they need to achieve zero fatalities. It covers proven solutions like enhanced enforcement, improved infrastructure, safer road user behaviour, and optimised emergency care.

Download the Zero Fatality District Guidebook (link above) and join us in creating a future where no one dies from preventable road crashes. Together, we can make roads safer for all.

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